Wednesday 29 October 2014

YMSA - Yoga Meditation Studios Australia - Complete Yoga Breath Part 2

Complete Yoga Breathing (CYB) Part 2

Fully utilising the lungs helps pump lymph fluid around the body cleansing millions of cells, getting rid of toxins and waste products.  The natural undulation of the body gently moves the spine and maintains the movement of cerebral fluid up and down the spinal column lubricating and transporting valuable new nutrients and hormones to all the vertebrae, nervous system and most importantly the brain.

When you expand the ribcage the upper chest will lift upwards with new air, the lungs then contract pushing out old stagnant air, toxins and wastes. The lungs are then ready to welcome new prana into the body on the next inhale.  

The mind is focused on breathing which has a calming effect on the heartbeat, causing the heart to slow down, switching on the parasympathetic nervous system. The parasympathetic nervous system revitalises, restores and heals the body.  Blood pressure drops and a greater exchange of oxygen takes place during the practice of this pranayama.

It is natural for the body and mind to feel lighter after practising complete yoga breathing (CYB) because it makes the body feel so good.  Who would have thought that just by practicing this simple easy to do pranayama and knowing how to use your breath efficiently, you are able to easily maintain the health of your body. 

If you would like to learn how to practice this wonderful pranayama in a class environment, you are very welcome to contact us. Leave us a comment along with your details and we will get back to you as soon as we can. Go here for a class timetable yoga palm beach

See you in class.

Lalita and Kimmie
YMSA  Team

Saturday 11 October 2014

YMSA - Yoga Meditation Studios Australia - Complete Yoga Breath Part 1

Complete Yoga Breathing (CYB) Part 1

The humble Complete Yoga Breath (CYB), this is the most important breath that you will learn in a yoga class or deep peace relaxation / meditation session.  It is actually the correct way of breathing and once this is established all other breathing techniques can be practiced to their fullest potential.

CBY is important for many reasons.  Initially it is responsible for making the breath longer, deeper and more cleansing for your respiratory system.

When I am teaching a class I like to break this breath down into three parts; firstly we breathe into the belly region, then the ribcage and lastly the upper chest.  Air is guided to these three places and once the student knows and feels what it is like to breathe into and fill all these areas, we are then able to combine these 3 breaths together into one long deep complete yoga breath. Once students develop awareness of where to both direct the breath and how to properly expel the exhale,they are able to breathe in this way throughout the yoga asana class. 
If you don’t properly utilise the lungs, what’s happens is that the respiratory system is only working at half or a third of its capacity. It is important to fully generate fresh, new oxygen and help it flow around the body with ease.  When you breathe into the belly area you will find that the abdomen swells with the inward breath massaging the internal organs of the digestive system stimulating digestion. At the end of the exhale all of the cells within the body flatten out expelling toxic gases.

Keep an eye out for the next installment of CYB coming up soon.

If you would like to practice complete yoga breathing in a class environment go here to check out our timetable yoga palm beach or leave us a comment below and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

Lalita & Kimmie